Friday, October 23, 2009

Earliest Memory.

When I think back as far as I can, the only thing that comes to my mind is the earthquake that happened when I was in Kindergarten. I have a very vivid memory in my mind of that entire day. It was just after lunch, and it was recess time. Mikayla Hougan and I were just sitting on the bark talking about what we wanted to do for the Science Fair, because well, the play toys at Pioneer Elementary School weren't that much of an interest to us. All of the sudden the ground began to shake. We had gone through earthquake drills before, although they always took place inside. We didn't know what to do, or where to go; so we just stood there and held hands. We looked around and saw all the other kids running around and screaming, but we just stood there completely calm and silent, holding each others hand.

After the ground stopped shaking, teachers brought out the tub full of food that we were supposed to eat in case of an emergency. I sat there and ate my animal crackers until my mom could get off work and take me home. Ever since that day so many years ago, Mikayla and I have been the best of friends. I guess an earthquake can really bring two people together.

-Mariah. :]

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