Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Final Blog!

Writing on this blog every week wasn't something that I ever liked doing at the time, it was a hassle and I tended to just forget to do it. Although looking back on it now, it has been a really good thing for me and helped my writing and understanding of just about everything that was taught to me throughout the year in this class. Reading my blog posts have helped me realize what my writing style is and how it has grown through this short year. It is quite obvious that my time spent on these blogs varied from week to week.

Reading through my old blogs I had some good laughs and was reminded of some of the long, horrible books you put us through Mrs. Gilman. I was also reminded of some of the good books and enjoyable blogs! I liked writing and reading blogs that gave me more freedom to write what I wanted, even though the blog itself is a place where I can write what I want. The Animal Farm post was slightly embarrassing and I'd forgotten about how artistically lacking I am. Those characters were not quite up to par.

A quote that I picked that kind of wraps up my blogs is: "The wastebasket is a writer's best friend." -Isaac Bashevis Singer. I obviously haven't thrown any rough drafts of my blogs away, or even made any rough drafts for my blogs, although found myself deleting and rewriting my entries multiple times. Although the prompt was never challenging, I am never satisfied with what I write, even after the final copy is turned in, or posted. I always know I can write something better, but have to just give in after a while and call it good.